Multi-purpose Chest Rig - Coyote
  • Multi-purpose Chest Rig - Coyote
  • Multi-purpose Chest Rig - pg

Multi-purpose Chest Rig - Coyote

18,77 €
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8Fields Coyote rintalevy molle paikoin.

Open top paikkoja lippaille 6 +2 syvempää kummallakin laidalla vaikka 13ci pullolle.
magfed lippaita menee 3+2


The Modular Chest rigs are widely used by professional soldiers for holding ammunition, mags and other essential items.

This multi-purpose chest rig capable of carrying M4/M16, G36, SCAR, M14, AK, MP7 and SR25 magazines, radio, protective insert or many other accessories.

Adjustable padded shoulder straps and an adjustable X back harness allows this highly-adaptable rig to fit any size operator.

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