Stormer Elite
  • Stormer Elite

Stormer Elite

224,48 €
Sisältää alv:n

Tippmann Stormer toimii sekä magfed että hopperi merkkaimena.

Mukana pakkauksessa kaksi lipasta sekä "tulppalipas" jos halutaan käyttää hopperia.

Mukana myös lipaskuilun tilalle tuleva pala jolloin lipasta ei tarvita hopperi käytössä.

Pikalukittava etutukki.

HUOM! Ei ole yhteensopiva First Strike kuulien kanssa samoin kuin TMC.

Viimeiset tuotteet varastossa

The Stormer Series is available in 3 models allowing full customization. The Stormer Basic features our reliable in-line bolt system with a high-impact composite body.

The Stormer Tactical adds Tactical Front Shroud, Front / Rear Flip Up Sights and a 6 Position Collapsible Stock that completes the military look. The Stormer Elite allows you to switch between loader and mag fed configurations offering several different looks to switch between.


  • Dual Feed modular design that can be convert to be hopper or magazine fed and different looks
  • High-impact composite body
  • Internal gas line
  • Multiple Picatinny Rails
  • Vertical Grip
  • Proven, in-line bolt design
  • High-Performance Barrel
  • Bottom mounted asa
  • Single Trigger
  • Offset Feedport
  • Includes Tactical Front Shroud, Front and Rear Flip Up Sights, 6 Position Collapsible Stock, Dummy Magazine, 2 Paintball Magazines and Loader to Magazine conversion parts

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